Identify And Explain Some Of The Vital Considerations Needed To Know On The Different Methods To Mine A Mineral Deposit.

Identify and explain some of the vital considerations needed to know on the different methods to mine a mineral deposit.

Mineral Resources:

Mining Methods:


Vital Considerations Needed to Know on the Different Methods to Mine a Mineral Deposit:

  • Study geological formations and then test the physical and chemical properties of soil and rocks to locate possible ore deposits.
  • Determine the size of the deposits and the concentration of mineral ores.
  • Decide whether a mineral deposit is worth mining.
  • Consider the type of mining to be done.


A deposit should only be mined if it would be profitable to do so. A concentration of minerals is called an ore deposit only if it is profitable to mine. Ore deposits that are close to the surface are mined by surface mining. In doing the surface mining, any overlying rock is blasted away. The rock that contains the valuable minerals is placed in a truck and taken to a refinery.

Several methods of surface mining include open-pit mining, strip mining, mountain-top removal, and placer mining. In open-pit mining, minerals are extracted by digging a big hole in the ground. Strip mining is like open-pit mining except the material is removed in long strips. In mountain-top removal, a mountain top is completely removed to get to the level of the ore. Placer mining is the removal of ore that has been deposited in the gravel of a stream bed.

Ore deposits that are deep underground are mined by underground mining. Miners blast and tunnel into rock to gain access to the ore. The tunnels may be very deep under the ground. Underground mining is expensive and dangerous. Hazards in underground mines include toxic gases, lack of fresh air, total darkness, and the potential for accidents such as explosions and mine collapses.

Mining methods:

What is surface mining:

Benefits of mining:



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